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import Ajv from 'ajv';
import typedError from 'error/typed';

import Schema from './schema';

 * A validation error was encountered
 * @type {Error}
const validationError = typedError({
  message: 'Invalid data: {messages}',
  type: 'pipeline.validation',

 * Build a new AJV validator isntance, ensuring that all errors are returned
 * if the data does not match the defined schema and any defined defaults are also
 * assigned to the returned data.
const ajv = new Ajv({ useDefaults: true, allErrors: true });

 * Compiles the raw schema object, providing a method which can be used
 * to validate against a basic javascript object.
const validate = ajv.compile(Schema);

 * Wraps the AJV library to provide a helper function which validates the
 * passed data object against the imported schema file.
 * If the schema fails to validate, an array of error messages are generated.
 * @return {Object} a mutated data object, containing any defaulted properties
 *  where defined in the schema.
export default function(data) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const valid = validate(data);
    if (!valid) {
      const messages = validate.errors.map(e => `Schema ${e.message}`).join('. ');
      reject(validationError({ messages }));
    } else {